投稿元記事: 霑比ソ。シ售teelers Running Ba 投稿者:Be1iVSLsWgXe 2015年10月25日(日) 19時01分31秒 My mom spent a lot of money on clothes and arosseccies, but when it came to the necessities she had a lack of perspective. We would go shopping and I would have to hide the bags from my dad when we got home. I felt guilty about my new things and I felt guilty when I needed something important too. Oh, I was raised Catholic ; ) The reason my mom did this is she didn't believe she was important enough or good enough to have what she really needed, so she spent money on frivolous things trying to make up for it. I make it a point to spend my money on what I need now that I am an adult. It actually feels great knowing that I am taking care of myself. Then, when I spend money on something frivolous it's fun! |