投稿元記事: 霑比ソ。シ唔nsurance adjusters 投稿者:TuuBstqmu 2015年10月25日(日) 19時20分24秒 Hiya .. this sounds so silaimr to a theme not working with the current version but if it was working prior to you deleting and you haven't done any upgrading or downgrading of the WordPress version or User online plugin then it shouldnt happen. :(To see if the plugins are actually gone though kick it back to the default ugly wordpress theme that comes with wordpress and see if the plugins come back (you might have to rename that theme folder via FTP to do that if its not available in the WordPress admin area) if the plugins and content come back, its something to do with that theme.If it's to do with the get_useronline error then rename the plugin folder that belongs to that error (most like usersonline) to disable the plugin temporarily to see if that is the problem.* Else perhaps that particular plugin needs to be uploaded to the plugins directory because its part of the theme..* Else perhaps its code in the theme calling that function, in which case, defaulting back to the boring WordPress theme temporarily will answer that question for you too. Aside from this happening several times with new themes and WP upgrades for myself, I don't know what else to suggest aside from reinstalling the core files on WordPress which you should not need to do if all you did was delete the theme. |