

霑比ソ。シ唔 am writing to mak 投稿者:wJTlxlyw
 2015年10月25日(日) 19時31分29秒
  Thank you for this article. I am rcsearehing possible solutions for a web application I am about to undertake and I wanted to know if wordpress could handle a web application. I have done very robust sites using wordpress without modifying the core of wordpress too much but rather, tweaking my templates and extending wordpress functionality. I find that for my clients and even the wider community sometimes look down on wordpress primarily because of the way it has been perceived over the years and in some ways because it is so flexible that users at almost any level can get a theme installed and running it is overlooked that a more experienced user can create powerful experiences within the wordpress framework. It often does take some convincing with my clients but I usually get them to see the light.After reading your article I feel more confident about using wordpress for the framework to my next project and I think I will document the process, issues, resolutions etc. and share them along with the final results in an effort to evangelize WordPress' awesomeness. Thanks again and keep up the great work.

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